Carmen Muñoz

Flamenco, movement & experimentation

as a profoundly feminine channel of expression

Carmen Muñoz began her professional career in the young Nosolodanza Company in Cordoba under the direction of Nuria Leiva and later joined the Estévez-Paños Company working in shows such as "La Consagración" and "Bailables". She has also worked in the companies of Juan Carlos Avecilla Cía de Danza with the shows "Melómano" and "Creencias", La Fura dels Baus with "El Amor Brujo", and Cía Pol Jiménez with "Katakana". She is currently part of the cast of the Jose Manuel Álvarez Company in the show "Bailes Colaterales".

Moved by a concern for research and contemporary creation, she founded her own company where she developed her own pieces such as "Sarabande", "Chacona", "Vallejo" and "Catalina Mía". The latter has been awarded the First Prize for Choreography by the Certamen Coreografía de danza española y flamenco de Madrid and by the Certamen Coreográfico de Tetuán, where she also received the Outstanding Dancer Award. In September 2021 Carmen Muñoz received the award for the best performance at the 15m2 International Microdansa Festival in Santa Coloma de Farners, Catalonia, for her dance solo “Estudio sobre la histeria”

In 2020 she premiered the show "Bailes de Histéricas" in which she is accompanied by the singer Pepe de Pura. The show premiered at the Sala Hiroshima in Barcelona and has been seen at the Sala Orive in Cordoba, Teatro Central in Seville, Sala Apeadero in Granada, etc. The show also presents its dance solo format, "Estudio sobre la hysteria" and the format of "Bailes de histéricas: conferencia bailada" in which the director, choreographer and performer explains the influences and traces left on her body by dancers and predecessor dancers such as Fanny Elssler, Carmen Mora, Manuela Vargas and La Chana.

"Bailes de histéricas" has been selected in Flamenco viene del Sur 2022, the official circuit of the Andalousian Government for the promotion of flamenco.

Carmen Muñoz has been selected in the 2022 call for creative residencies of the Centro Coreografico de los Teatros del Canal, Madrid, one of the most important venues for the contemporary dance creation in Spain. Carmen will be immersed in the research and creation of her third stage production: Invocation.

Video: Wences Lamas




Helga Carafi