Helga Carafi

Increpación Danza was a dance company took flamenco as its starting point to invent its own choreographic language. In 1993 Montse Sánchez and Ramón Baeza began to work on renewing the language of flamenco, contaminating it with choreographic elements of contemporary dance. After 25 years dancing for women, they looked back to reflect on the passage of time, with the piece "About H", performed by Helga Carafi, a member of the company since 2002 until its dissolution in 2021.

"About H" explores the passage of time and the changes of cycle, with references to the film "All about Eve" directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz in 1950 with Bette Davis and Anne Baxter in the leading roles.

"About H" has been shown at Sala Almazen and Centre Cívic Barceloneta (Barcelona), Sala Berlanga (Madrid), Tanz-kultur-Distanz im Dialog Kulturraum Rosenhof (Germany) and Konvent Contemporary Art Center (Berga, Catalonia).

Helga Carafi who who is now pursuing a solo career is a dancer and performer in clown, dance-theatre and keep moving method (consciousness and creation in action). She works with researchers and creators such as Mercè Boronat and with companies such as Big Bang Cuc. Trained with artists such as Belén Maya, Juan Carlos Lérida and Pepe Hevia, she has 20 years of experience bringing her dance and performance work to the stage and transmitting her teachings in schools and cultural centres

Throughout its career, Increpación Danza showed its work on international tours in England, Germany, France, Belgium, Morocco, Japan, China, etc. and co-produced shows with Tanzhaus NRW, Festival Grec, Fira Tàrrega, Teatre Zorrilla, Teatros de la Generalitat Valenciana, among others.

Video: La Matrioska Studio



Carmen Muñoz